


To the extent that this policy addresses terms or provisions covered under collective bargaining agreements for represented employees, the terms of the collective bargaining 协议将控制那些代表机密雇员的人.

A. 目的

的 college will comply with the established compensation plan adopted by Washington state human resources (SHR) and adhere to the elements under the Washington 政府 Code (WAC) classification rules governing the administration of the compensation plan. WAC 357 - 13 establishes specific criteria and allows employers the authority and discretion to 开展与岗位分类相关的活动. 它还建立了 雇员要求SHR主任进行审查的权利.

皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College recognizes that accurate position descriptions are critical for the overall effectiveness of the classification plan and the utilization of that 学院内计划. 因此,建立了以下业务实践 通过这个程序:

  1. 的 immediate supervisor of a position is responsible to ensure an accurate position description is established and maintained for each position under his/her supervision.
  2. Supervisors, with the assistance of the human resources office, are expected to perform 对所监管的每个岗位进行适当的岗位分析.
  3. 的 human resources office is responsible for providing tools and training to supervisors 确保工作分析的一致性和准确性.
  4. 的 human resources office is responsible for housing, reviewing, and monitoring the 每个区域职位的工作分析和职位描述.
  5. 人力资源办公室负责学院的内容合规工作 position descriptions with the overall content and elements contained in the classification 由人力资源管理局局长签发的计划.

B. 一般信息

When there are permanent and substantive changes in the job duties and scope of responsibility of a position involving the addition, reduction, or modification of duties and responsibilities, 可能需要重新分配到不同的分类. 一个员工觉得 that they are performing duties that are not in their position description and not appropriate to their job classification, may request a position review if six months have elapsed since the last review and the employee believes the work is better described 另一个班级.

Human resources is responsible for allocating or reallocating each classified position to an established class in the SHR classification plan based upon a review and analysis 该职位的职责和职责. 职位将在 由所执行的大部分工作确定的最佳拟合基础. 分配和 reallocation decisions are limited to comparisons of the type and level of work that 是用可用的类规范执行的吗. 所做功的量; the expertise with which the work is performed, or the work performed by other employees 在相似的位置不影响分类.

C. 要求职位回顾

  1. Employee: An employee may initiate a position review of their position if the duties 发生了重大变化,预计这些变化是永久性的,并且 自上次审查以来,至少已经过去了六个月. 强烈鼓励员工 在开始审查之前与他们的主管或经理讨论请求.
  2. Supervisor/Department Head: A supervisor/department head must request a position review anytime it is anticipated that there will be immediate permanent and substantive changes to a position, or if an employee has been assigned new duties for less than six months 预计这一变动将是永久性的. 的 supervisor may also initiate the request if they know that the employee has been performing duties not listed on the current position description for more than six months and 该员工尚未提交职位审查请求.
  3. 人力资源: Human resources may also initiate a position review based on known or suspected changes in the position, classification plan, and/or other organizational 问题.

D. 职位评审流程

  1. 以便了解所相信的职位和职责 to be outside the current class, a Classified 工作人员 Position Review Request 为m must 完整填写,由员工签名后转交人力资源部. 为 IT职位审查,见WVC程序1540.140名分类人员IT专业结构 评价.
  2. Human resources will review the request, conduct interviews and/or request additional 必要时提供信息,并确定适合该职位的工作类别 在收到填妥的申请后的60个日历日内. 此外,基于 information provided by the employee and/or supervisor, human resources will verify whether or not the employee meets the competencies established for the position if 该位置被重新分配.
  3. 因雇员要求领取补助金而引致的重新分配的生效日期 position review is the date the completed request form was received in human resources.
  4. 的 employee, supervisor and union (if applicable) will receive written notice when 员工的职位被重新分配.

E. 对在职者的影响

的 position review process may result in the position remaining the same or being reclassified to a different class with a higher salary range, a different class with 相同的工资范围,或者不同的级别,工资范围更低. 如果回顾一下 does not support a change in classification, the position remains in its current classification.

深入了解员工在职位变动时受到的影响 reallocated, see Article 31 of the WPEA contract for represented classified employees, or WAC 357 - 13-090 对于没有代表的机密雇员.

F. 工资的决心

See Article 31 of the WPEA contract for represented classified employees or WVC procedure 1540.无代表的机密雇员为050.

G. 要求州人力资源主管审查的权利

If an employee disagrees with the results of the WVC human resources position review, the employee has the right to request a review of the decision by the office of the 州人力资源总监. 申请必须以书面形式提出,并抄送一份副本 human resources office within 30 calendar days of being provided the results of the 职位审查或重新分配通知.

注意: An employee may not request a review by the office of the state human resources (SHR) director when the allocation or reallocation is based on the state human resources 实现新的分类,并将员工重新分配到具有的类 相同的工资范围. 在本例中,首先要求员工 向WVC人力资源部提交职位审查请求. 如果,在人力资源之后 conducts a review of the employee’s position, the employee disagrees with the allocation decision, the employee may then request a SHR review of the results of the decision.

H. 对SHR主任的审查提出上诉的权利 (WAC 357 - 52)

A classified employee, or WVC as the employer, may appeal a SHR director’s position 通过提交书面例外情况来审查分配决定. 分配异常 appeals must be filed with the personnel resources board following the instructions 在SHR主任的审查回应中.

Presented to the board of trustees: 6/17/09; 10/19/11, 5/20/20

1540.050 分类(无代表)工资确定程序
1540.140 分类员工IT专业结构程序