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Interview Expense Reimbursement


The board of trustees delegates to the 总统 or designee the authority to establish a reimbursement schedule for all candidates invited to interview for a vacant position at the college. This policy and its procedures are intended to comply with RCW 43.03.130, as it exists now or is hereafter amended.

Approved by the 总统’s cabinet: 10/4/05
Adopted by the board of trustees: 10/19/05
Last reviewed: 5/13/23
政策 contact: Human 资源

Related policies and procedures
1500.515 Interview Expense Reimbursement 过程


Interview expenses will only be paid for applicants who are among the finalists for full-time faculty positions or for administrative openings in supervisory positions.

All eligible candidates will have been selected for an interview as a result of the college’s selection procedure for an advertised position.

The established reimbursement schedule, while it fits within the established guidelines of RCW 43.03.130, does not reimburse candidates for 100% of the allowable costs incurred as a part of the interview process. The reimbursement amounts are differentiated between candidates coming from out-of-state and from in-state locations.

The only position that will receive 100% reimbursement is the position of college 总统.

The following is the reimbursement schedule: 

位置 州外 州内
总统 100% 100%
Vice-总统 $650 里程
教师 & 院长 $500 里程
Other supervisory exempt $350 里程

里程 will only be paid to in-state candidates that travel to the campus for the interview from more than 50 miles one way.

Approved by the 总统’s cabinet: 10/4/05
Presented to the board of trustees: 10/19/05
Last Reviewed: 9/18/19
过程 contact: Human 资源

Related policies and procedures
500.515 Interview Expense Reimbursement 政策